Worms in humans, how to determine the presence of worms.

parasitesIt is a very common phenomenon that can be easily identified in most people when they undergo a standard medical examination.

Specialists have many methods and techniques for identifying and diagnosing worms in the body of a child and an adult. At the current state of medical development, this is completely simple. In addition, many helminths can be detected on their own, leaving the body and entering the external environment. This process usually occurs when the female reproduces and lays eggs.

Further determination of the type, quantity and duration of the life cycle of worms in humans should be carried out in special clinics during a comprehensive examination.

Types of worms in humans.

types of worms in humans

Representatives of helminths are identified on the basis of general characteristics and lifestyle, life cycle and developmental features. It is also taken into account how worms manifest themselves in humans, how long they live in the body and what diseases they cause.

Doctors can detect the presence of the following types of worms in the body:

  • nematode, intestinal worm.The life cycle does not exceed 40 years; They parasitize in the intestines. It can affect the respiratory system and stomach. Representatives: pinworms, intestinal worms, whipworms;
  • tape parasites. They can live in the intestines and migrate throughout the body for about 20 years. Large sizes reach 8-10 meters. Individuals of bovine and porcine tapeworms, tapeworms;
  • flukes, flukes.They appear in internal organs and subcutaneous tissues. It moves through all organs and can be life-threatening.

Each of the above groups has representatives that are most often found in people.

And each of them poses a serious danger to health and the normal functioning of the body:

  • intestinal wormIt can cause: appendicitis, jaundice, inflammation of the bile ducts;
  • intestinal worm.Leads to complications: gastritis, allergic reactions, nervous disorders;
  • whipwormMay cause dysentery, rectal prolapse;
  • Toxocara.It manifests itself in decreased vision, bronchitis, necrosis of the pancreas, liver, kidneys, impaired brain function;
  • echinococcus.It represents a danger in the form of anaphylactic shock, hives, enlarged liver, cyst formation and death;
  • Trichinella.It can cause the formation of infiltrations, damage to the heart and brain;
  • Giardia.Consequences: anemia, gastritis, Quincke's edema, pancreatitis;
  • hookworms.May cause intestinal dysfunction;
  • wide ribbon.Promotes the development of anemia, hypovitaminosis, necrosis of intestinal tissue, damage to the spinal cord;
  • filariae.It can cause diseases: conjunctivitis, lymphadenitis, asthma, abscesses; lung flukes. They cause enteritis, bronchitis, fever, meningitis, tachycardia.

These are just some of the parasites that are mentioned quite frequently. There are worms that are less dangerous, but still harmful. Therefore, it is important to study them under laboratory conditions.

Worm infection

worm life cycle

It is not difficult for parasites to penetrate the human body. It is impossible to detect or identify them in the environment, since they are often found in the state of small larvae or microscopic eggs.

There are certain methods and routes of infection:

  • water bodiesIn most parasites, the larvae spend the intermediate stages of their life cycle in both fresh and salt water. They are sometimes found in intermediate hosts such as fish and shellfish;
  • sand or damp earth. Together with feces, eggs are mainly released for further development or the search for a temporary carrier;
  • dirty and unprocessed vegetables, berries, fruits and herbs. From the soil, future parasites penetrate the surface of the products;
  • animals: stray and domestic. Temporary means.

Even a normal walk with a child or a trip to the store, calling the elevator or dirty handrails can provoke the appearance of parasites. To avoid this, it is necessary to follow simple rules of personal hygiene, regularly carry out wet cleaning of the house and ventilate the room where the workplace is located.

Worms in an adult, the signs and symptoms of it.

symptoms of worms in the body

Characteristics alone cannot unequivocally determine whether a person has a helminthic infestation.

How can you check if you really have worms?

To do this, there are general characteristic signs of the presence of worms in a person and methods for determining them:

  • changes in appetite, including both increases and decreases;
  • Nervousness, fear, excitement. Fatigue and weakness may also occur;
  • snoring, difficulty breathing during sleep;
  • intestinal problems, including diarrhea and constipation;
  • swelling;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • swelling of the extremities;
  • itching in the anus;
  • increased body temperature;
  • fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • skin rashes, redness;
  • nausea vomiting;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • fragility of hair and nails.

These are just some signs that may indicate the presence of worms in an adult. However, these symptoms can also be characteristic of other diseases. Therefore, only a proper examination will allow you to obtain an accurate result.

Signs of worms in children.

Having still insufficient immunity and protective protein cells, children are often susceptible to more serious consequences of the presence of parasites in the body:

  • intestinal dysfunction, dysbacteriosis;
  • bloating, flatulence;
  • skin inflammation, hives;
  • involuntary urination or urinary incontinence;
  • respiratory tract diseases. Bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma;
  • In girls, inflammation of the genital organs is possible;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • itching and burning in the anus;
  • severe abdominal pain and cramps;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • nervousness,
  • Newborns may experience serious complications or developmental delays.

It is quite difficult to identify worms on your own and many parents do not think about their presence. By trying to treat their children without the help of specialists, they can aggravate the spread of parasites in the children's body. The consequences in such cases are unpredictable.

Tests for various worms.

parasite tests

How to understand that a person is developing helminthiasis?

Accurate determination of the presence of worms in adults and children is only possible with the help of specially developed research methods.

The doctor prescribes appropriate research methods depending on the symptoms and signs of parasites:

  • scraped offThis is a traditional and simple method, which consists of taking a sample from the anus to determine the presence of worm eggs;
  • stool analysis.This method has been tested, but it is not always effective, since not all helminths are found in the secretion;
  • chemical general blood test.It allows you to determine only the inflammatory process by indicators of low hemoglobin levels and also takes into account leukocytes;
  • CPR diagnosis.This method involves studying the parasite's DNA material found in the blood in comparison with available samples. Provides accurate determination of the class of helminths and their quantity;
  • linked immunosorbent assay.This method is also based on the analysis of the patient's blood. The detected samples of IgM and IgG antibodies indicate a protective reaction of the immune system against worms.

Additionally, ultrasounds, x-rays and tomography scans may be prescribed. The need for them is associated with the migration of parasites through organs and their frequent change of location. The biopsy or probing method is also used to obtain material from affected organs. The choice of the diagnostic method depends on the class of helminths and the effect on the organs.

Worms: treatment for adults and children.

It is important to understand that in most cases the treatment process for diseases caused by helminths is complex. It is not always possible to completely eliminate the larvae and eggs of all parasites with a single treatment. Patients often need to be under constant medical supervision and undergo periodic tests.

What to do in this case?

It is important to follow the advice and recommendations of your doctor.

Usually, drugs with a wide spectrum of action are prescribed.

Particular care should be taken when taking medications for young children and newborns. The powerful components of medicinal anthelmintics are not always suitable for an organism with low immunity.

Only an experienced doctor can prescribe medications appropriate to the patient's age and the degree of complication of the disease.

Frequently asked questions

What symptoms may indicate the presence of worms in a person?

Symptoms of worms can include constant fatigue, weight loss, insomnia, itchy anus, worms in stool, and abdominal pain.

What diagnostic methods are used to determine the presence of worms in a person?

To diagnose worms, stool analysis to detect worm eggs, a blood test to detect worm antibodies, as well as survey diagnostic methods, such as ultrasound and x-ray, can be used.

Helpful tips

Tip #1

Pay attention to symptoms that may indicate the presence of worms, such as constant fatigue, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, sleep disturbances, and allergic reactions.

Tip #2

Contact your doctor for special stool or blood tests to look for worm eggs or antibodies against them.